Powerful short time energy storage

When considering the current-voltage behavior and the thermal behavior in the short-term range and their respective effects on the long-term behavior of electrochemical energy storages, the effects cannot be explained without an extended model presentation. Only an interdisciplinary thinking “outside the box” makes it possible to optimally dimension, operate and emulate an energy storage system for the respective application.

Therefore, the systemic consideration of the respective energy storage technology in the corresponding environment plays an essential role, since there are always interactions between the particular technical systems. This applies, e.g., to the reciprocal retroactivity of the behavior of a battery storage system via power electronics to the grid and vice versa. From a scientific point of view, therefore, the further development of battery models for the highly dynamic use and the effects of large power gradients on the electrical and thermal behavior in general and on the aging of batteries in particular is of great interest. The systemic boundary analysis of energy storage systems in dynamic requirements focuses on the following basic scientific questions:

  • dynamic battery behavior with mixed and alternating current loads, here e.g. the effects of pulsed loads on electrochemical storage (lithium plating during fast charging), battery aging
  • Determination of the current density distribution / field calculation for transient loads in electrochemical systems and measures to improve the current density distribution in electrochemical systems
  • Development of gentle and safe fast charging process
  • Identification of damage by in situ procedures
  • Aging models (physical / chemical, event-based)
  • Construction of battery systems (similarities, differences and transferability when considering the laboratory cell, cell, module and system)
  • Interactions between energy storage and application (e.g., grid - inverter - battery storage)
  • Active filtering of power fluctuations by multiscale energy storage systems
  • Comparison / evaluation of competing energy storage systems

The aims are generally valid design methods for the optimized operation management and state diagnoses of electrical short-time storage systems with electrically dynamic limit loads, taking into account the interactions with converters, drives and supply networks. In addition to modeling, analytical considerations and, above all, lifetime investigations and prognoses, boundary regions of different battery types are also experimentally tested.